Monday, March 19, 2007


There is no substitute to writing .

Anne sat by the window. As show watched the playful raindrops, a peaceful smile lit her face...but somewhere in her depths, she felt odd. A feeling that suggested she forgot something. She felt that way every time she left the city and invariably the feeling always proved itself right. She had once forgotten to put the milk in the fridge. Another time, the cupboard door wasn't locked . None of this had any particular damaging effect other than the constant worry which transformed itself into irritation and the same old "odd" feeling through out the trip till she remembered what it was. Today was different. It was a simple lazy afternoon. She was very much at home, and had no intention of going anywhere. She had woken up with a satisfactory yawn knowing it was going to be a lazy day that she wanted very much and deserved too. The day was as perfect as she wished it to be. Still the odd feeling ?? Had she forgotten to turn off the gas? No, she hadn't. Any birthday she'd missed ? No. Any TV program she particularly wanted to watch and had forgotten to do so ? No . The feeling now got worse. It had now transformed itself into a hollow feeling.
Odd to hollow. This was serious. She had felt odd before and hollow before.Separately. She had felt hollow when she had to shift homes last summer. "Dan, the movers are here.. where is your stuff ? Anne, I'm not going with you" He din't even meet her eye. He had closed the door on her and she had no choice. She felt hollow for months after. But the day she realised that planning french windows with someone who did not care enough to see it complete was not as important as it seemed in her head, the hollow had disappeared.
Odd and hollow. How these two feelings teased her. That too when she had forgotten nothing and was very happy and contended otherwise. This confused her all the more. "What am i missing ?? What is it that bothers me????"

Ding Dong!! Oh saving grace .. the doorbell ."Hello maam.. We need your help for a survey.Just a short questionaire. Would you mi..." "Yes"

"Yes , do you have a pen?"

The questions rolled by ... Name, Age, How long she had been staying in the house, how the security was around her area..

"Have you ever been robbed ? If so, what went missing ? "The last few words swam in front of her eyes along with the pen and the lines on the sheet of paper .What went missing...missing....

"Yes, I did miss something. I missed myself"

There is no substitue to writing.